Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One of my FAVorite Holiday Songs!

The Sparkling Holiday Season Has Arrived 

Dashing to the store
Lipsticks I need more
All they have is red
Red is such a bore

How 'bout sparkly plum
I think I'll buy just one (or two, or three, or four...)
What joy to pick a new lipstick
Being Caffe is so much FUN!

Plums & pinks
Plums & pinks
Plums & pinks for MEeee...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Vote for... LIPSTICKS for ALL!

I'm tired of politics Darling... let's talk about LIPSTICK!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Me? Fickle??

Why yes my Darling Friend... I am ABSOLUTELY fickle.  Just like my morning lipstick routine, red, no, berry, not today, shimmery coral... oooh!  I know, I know, I said... Good Bye!  But Good byes are just soooooo hard... I'll miss YOU, even more than my lipstick collection... sheesh, I'm not as bold as I used to be, I seem to be getting a bit sheer...

Well my Dear, you're not getting rid of me that easily... errr, huh?  I left you?  *oh*  Can I come back? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?  With sugar and cream and a hot pink lipstick??  *sniffle sniffle*  For a little while longer?  xoxo

Monday, October 8, 2012

Lipstick, Better Than Peanut Butter! A Revisit...

Hello, hello my dear friend! So delighted to have your company. My goodness, it’s been awhile hasn’t it? I’ve been so busy sitting in front of my vanity experimenting with colorful lipsticks and eyeshadows that I completely lost myself in the moment of my Diva-Ness! Let me fill your cup and you make yourself comfortable. Are you good? Good!

Living in the OC there are so many beautiful places and beautiful faces. With all this beauty around me, I like to keep current on all the latest and greatest little beauty finds that keep my reflection in the mirror oh, so divine!

With summer around the corner, I like to keep my beauty routine to a bare minimum and instead, exude my natural exotic beauty with a few key items. I never said I was modest when it comes to how I look in the mirror... but hey, I DO love sharing beauty products that I can’t live without, at least until the next colorful lipstick rolls my way!

One of my favorite places to purchase beauty in a jar is at Target. I didn’t plan on Target for my beauty needs, I love the counters at the fancy department stores and the seductive fragrances that come with, but for some reason the cosmetic aisles at Target always avert my eyes from being focused on my ‘to get list’ of the day. It must be the lighting and colors that make my eyes do a double take whenever I pass these aisles! No wonder the cosmetic companies pay bank for their marketing, it’s working and their hypnotic affect they have on a lipstick fiend like me with all those wonderful colors... Accckkkk.... I just can’t take it! I’ll take one in Savy, one in Sweet Crimson, one in Berry Wine...

My list says ‘peanut butter’ and there is definitely not a jar of creamy Jif sitting across from Revlon. I know that. My kids know that. But I like to pretend that it’s just a quick pit stop and that the peanut butter is near by the lipsticks and I can see the peanut butter from the reflection of the cellophane wrapper that the lipsticks are in so that means the Jif is near by. But it’s not.

At the check out counter I have about a dozen new lipsticks and OH MY GOSH, I forgot the peanut butter! But now that I’ve spent all that time entranced by beautiful colors, I don’t have time to run back to get the Jif and the lines have gotten long. Oh well, I’ll put it on my list for next time!

Oh my, I’ve gone down the path of endless lipsticks and no peanut butter! I was supposed to chat about favorite beauty items for summer and somehow my delirious behavior took over with no self control from my part and now the pot is empty! The pot is empty? Oh good! That’s my cue to go fix my lipstick...

Ta Ta! xoxo

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Until Next Time my Dear Dear Friend...

Hello hello my Darling Friend, I am soooo happy that you’re here!  Come in, have a sat, let me fill your cup with the most delicious... steamiest ever... one of a kind... last call... What?!  Last call on what?

Well my Dear, it’s been fun.  That’s all you have to say?  Of course not Darling, when am I ever at a loss for words?  Not to mention lipsticks... I’m never at a loss for lipsticks!  Berry, hot pink, sparkly mauve... Caffe!  Get to the point!

Hmmph... I’m working on it, I’m working on it... no lipstick chat for me?  Nope.  Okay, alright, my nose is powdered and I’ve got my boldest shade of red on so here I go...  

Caffeinated OC Mommy was created just about a year and almost a half ago as a place that I could go to, and write anything I want... anything.  Who would have thought that my little ole blog would cause such a ruckus!  Mommy Lessons were always a favorite as together we got a good chuckle at the bad parenting that has run amuck in today’s society, then there’s me and butt crack... who knew I’d become such a magnet... Ewwwww!  Lipstick, MILF, lipstick, MILF... how did it all start?

It just did.  I wrote, you came and gave me my nickname, Caffe, which I adore with all my heart.  I call you Darling and Dear, you call me Dahling, Daaaling and Dalink.  I blow you kisses, and you forever return them with Muuwah!  The best is when you send me an email, and tell me all about the lipstick you bought and it reminded you of me.  Do you know how very special that is?

Your friendship means the world to me and I will never forget you.  How could I forget your witty charm and FABulous personality?  Yes my Dear, I am saying Ta Ta... but don’t forget... Caffeinated OC Mommy was just as much YOU as she was me.

Until Next Time my Dear Dear Friend... Cups Up! & Ta Ta!  xoxo 


Monday, September 17, 2012

Blogging Tips From the FABulous Caffe...

Well Hello hello my Dear Friend... I'm delighted that you've stopped by!  I've been out and about chatting with many about the lovely BlogSphere, and because I'm meee... I am constantly asked how to be a FABulous blogger and what are my tips.  So come make yourself comfy, let me fill your cup and let's get started on what makes for a FAB blogger...

Tip #1- It's all in the choice of your lipstick color Darling!  Wear the color that most resembles your mood for the day and you will find that your writing will match that kick-ass shade of red that you applied on your pretty little pucker.  Huh?  Not the kind of tips you were looking for?  Oh right my Darling, I guess that only works for me.   

Tip #2- Let's see... hmmm... now that I've mentioned lipstick, I'm having a difficult time focussing on what I'm supposed to be helping you with!  So to make it easier for me to not mention to you how many lipsticks I have in my purse at this very moment, I will link some of my favorite tips and advice and you choose which one that might be the most helpful for you.  Deal?

So take your time Lovely... let yourself out when you're finished... Caffe?  Where are you going?  To find my purse Darling... I remembered that I left my new shade of color in my bag and... well...ummm... I'm a LIPSTICK FIEND I can't help myself!

Writing Tips
Bogging? or Blogging? Helpful Tips from Caffe...

Lip Balm on Sandpaper... I Don't Think So!

Blog Hops and the Etiquette of Hopping Around

Manners Matter... Even for FAB Bloggers Like Myself

Caffe's Thoughts On Blog Hops... Quite Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn!

Social Media

Do Those Inbreeding Savages Wear Lipstick? (Triberr)

Klout? Is That A New Lipstick Color?

Google+ Lessons For Caffe...

Blog Awards
Shhhhhh... It's a Secret!

Friday, September 14, 2012


... now where did I put that new tube of lipstick??

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hello Darling! I'm Not in at the Moment...

... but please leave your name and tell me your favorite shade of lipstick and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm done drooling over the lipstick counter... Beeeeeeep!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Top 25 and Caffe Takes the #1 Position!

Well Helloooo Darling!  Have you heard?  The FABulous news of course!  The polls were closed yesterday... pheeeew!... 3 long weeks of voting for the Top 25 SoCal Mom Blogs Contest, and with your help my Dear...  Caffeinated OC Mommy took the #1 spot out of 67 blogs!  YIPPEE!!

So guess what that means??  I'm going on a lipstick shopping spree to celebrate this fun little victory!  But you knew that... I am a lipstick fiend after all and any excuse to buy a new tube of color for my pretty little pucker... pinks, berry, red, mauves, shimmers, gloss, stains... Aaaaaaaaccckk!  I gotta go Darling!  I've got to head to the nearest lipstick counter!  Thanks again for voting... let yourself out my Dear... lipsticks are calling me...  Blowing kisses!  xxxx  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Already??

Hello my Dear Friend... So happy to see you here!  Summer is coming to a close and I just found this post that has a few reminders and some FABulous tips on transitioning from the lazy days of summer to the structured days of school.  

I'm off to the stores to buy some back to school basics... basic red, basic pink, basic mauve... Yes I'm talking about lipsticks!  Enjoy the read Darling...

The Dos & Don'ts of the Back To School Mommy

Hello my Darling Friend... I’m always so delighted when you stop by!  Let me fill your cup with a fresh blend of, ‘Mommys Who Should Freshen Up on their Back to School Manners!’
My oh my, can you believe how fast the summer season went by?  Next thing you know, there’ll be ghosts and goblins running through the neighborhood and then the shopping season begins... Oh, how I just adore the shopping season... colorful new lipsticks, shiny new lipsticks, bright new lipsticks... huh?  OH, I mean, of course Darling, shopping for others is what I meant... **ahem** 
See how I get?  Mention the word ‘lipstick’ and I fall apart at the seams and can’t control my compulsive behavior to stay on topic!  Now where were we?  Oh yes... the end of summer, back to school and all that goes with... including outrageous Mommy manners!  Sounds like it’s time for more Mommy Lessons.  Do I have a Dos & Don’ts list for back to school behavior?  You betcha... let’s get started...
DO greet other Mommys when bringing your kids to school or extra curricular activities with a friendly ‘hello’ regardless if you know them or not.  It’s polite.  They don’t need to be your BFF or meet you for weekly pedi appointments, but you will see these same Mommys throughout the year and having a friendly way about you sets a wonderful example for your own children and for others to follow suit.
If you’re not new to the school, welcome those that are new... DON’T make new Mommys feel unwelcome by saying such nonsense as, “Oh, I didn’t know I would see you here.  They must have redistricted your neighborhood.”  Catty, catty... tssk, tssk!
DO follow the rules when dropping your kids off at school or other outside activities.  Usually there are crossing guards to help guide you and I knowthere are many signs and painted arrows that direct you to your destination.
DON’T drive to the front of the line when it’s not your turn and then proceed to block all traffic and endanger those kids that are trying to cross safely but now your entire vehicle has dominated the driveway.  tssk, tssk, tssk  I’m sure that car will have a fabulous new ‘key’ design on their door by the time the school year is over.
DO wear appropriate Mommy clothing that doesn’t distract others when you bend over to kiss your child goodbye.  Let’s save that look for a hot date night with the Hubby instead... sound good?
DON’T judge other Mommys’ AM attire as not everyone is a morning person and can look like they walked off the pages of a Nordstrom’s catalogue.  Even moi has morning challenges, though you would never know it of course!  Coffee stains down the front of a blouse, a forgotten pajama bottom as trousers or mismatched shoes can be quite endearing and remind us all that we’re only human and we do make mistakes.  It's okay... even if our shirt is inside out.
Well Darling, the pot is empty and I must get myself organized for the school year... I’ll start with buying a few new lipsticks to add to my morning routine, oooh, some new powder too.  Until next time my Dear Friend... Ta Ta!  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meee?? I Can TOO Focus!

Why Hellooo my Darling Friend... I’m absolutely delighted that you stopped by!  I have been immensely busy over the past few weeks, and I’m thrilled to share with you some of my many FABulous adventures.  Make yourself comfy and let me fill your cup...

Being the social maven that I am, my calendar is ever so full and my lipstick collection has been put to good use, hmmm... time for a new tube of color... or 2, possibly 3 as you know the Fall Collection is calling my name, “Caffe!  Ohhhh Caffe!”

                                     *Insert dreamlike music here*


Snap out of it Caffe!  Huh?  Were you talking to me?  But, but... the lipsticks were calling my name!  Didn’t you hear them??  And the beautiful angels playing the harp?  No?  Hmmph, now where were we?  Oh yes, buying lipsticks... now is the time to get to the cosmetic counters as ALL the latest colors are in!  How excit... why do you have those little furrow thingys between your eyes?  Did I say something wrong?  It’s not about lipsticks?  Oooops...

But it could be about lipsticks!  Maybe my FABulous adventures were all in the lipstick aisle and I dreamed about shimmers and shines, long wearing brilliant colors to match my every need of every day for the rest of my compulsive desire for a pretty pucker!  Phew, I think I need to touch up my lipstick after that one...

You know Darling, after all this talk about lipstick... I... I... I have to go now!  But Caffe!  You didn’t even talk about what you did.  You know, your adventures!  Adventures?  Oh, I... well, I just got so worked up with the lipstick fantasy that any other adventure just seems so, well, dull!  I hope you understand my Dear... I’ll be back another time, we’ll chat then... let yourself out and please don’t forget to vote before you leave by clicking on the little Circle of Moms button over there ---> in the side bar... 8 more days you know, and the race between me and my Darling Friend Jenn has been quite exhilarating!

Until next time my Dear Dear Friend... Ta Ta!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Caffe Quips- On Being Fashionable

I have some MILFy tips on what to wear to keep things HOT... I mean, keep you cool... well, you can take it anyway you want and actually it really doesn’t matter, it’s more of personal choice and I choose to be a MILF!  Wait a second, was that an option? 

Monday, August 6, 2012

But What's Wrong With Buying A Push-Up Bra For A 9 Year Old?!

Well Hello my Darling Friend... so glad you’re here as I need to relieve some tension and chatting with you will make me feel oh so much better.  I’ve been going bonkers lately, each and every time I step into the young girls section of the store I’m in... and I need to vent and scream and kick up my heels... but first... let me fill your cup...
Okay, now... so the last time we spoke about fashion my Dear, we chatted about shorts for girls and how short is too short for a young girl?  I know, I know, it’s the parents’ responsibility to purchase or to not purchase and the freedom of blah, blah, blah... hmmph, makes my lipstick smudge!
So I got a bit out of hand with my thoughts about short shorts on very little girls... I bought a new lipstick, got over it and felt much better... and then, a few days later I went to the girls’ undie section in Target.  I never really paid attention to this section except when I needed a 6 pack of panties or a package of socks... 
I was looking for camis or tanks for Littlest to wear for sleeping, you know, it’s summer time and I thought something cool and comfortable to wear for bed would be a good thing for this time of the year.  When I got to the girls underwear section... I... about... fainted!  
OH MY GAWD!!  Are you fricken kidding me???  Breathe Caffe, breathe...  

I completely understand the adjustments in uhhh... well... you know!  A young girl’s body goes through many transformations and one of the changes is a new piece of underwear that fits around the chest area... A bra.  In the very beginning, a camisole or a half tank, an undershirt... these are sufficient coverage for the very young and it also opens dialogue with your daughter about what to expect in the near future.  
See the picture up above?  Uh huh, looks like the women's bra section in the store doesn’t it?  Take a closer look...  It’s the girls’ section!! 

There were padded, molded, sculpted, wired, wireless and demi bras... for a 9 year old??  How much sculpting can you do with a young girl’s chest?  Nope!  I don’t even want to think about it as thinking about it will make the powder on my nose crust up!  What next?  Garter belts and crotchless panties?? 
Who thinks this is a good idea?  *Ahem...Hanes*  And why are they making undergarments that suggest sexuality at such a young age?  Because a push-up demi is not exactly something a young girl would wear to the neighborhood park... is it?  Unless they are wearing their low cut T-shirt trying to attract all the boys playing trucks in the sand!  
Am I soooo old fashioned in my ways of reasoning when it comes to push-up bras for the very young?  What do you think Darling?
Hmmmph... the pot is empty and my lipstick is smeared all over my cup!  I think I’ll go buy a dozen new lipsticks to soothe my frazzled nerves... that should do the trick, I’m feeling much better already just thinking about it!  I’ll just stay in the lipstick aisle and not look anywhere else for at least several more years and I’ll also pretend that my Littlest will stay little forever... I don’t think I’ll be breaking my lipstick habit ways anytime soon... Until next time my Dear Friend, stay lovely... Ta Ta!

Oooh, Vote Reminder Darling... Please Vote... HERE  Thank you sooooo much my Dear Friend!  xoxo

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Top 25 SoCal Mom Blogs... YIPPEE!!

Hello my Dear Friend... I've got some exciting news!  My Dear Julie over at Circle of Moms has contacted me and told me that I was once again nominated for the Top 25 SoCal Mom Blogs!  How FABulous and I MUST go buy myself a new lipstick or 2, maybe 3 to celebrate the event!

And guess what?  As of right now, I'm in the lead and #1!  Well, for now Darling as this contest is a bit long and things have a way of changing daily.  So for the next few weeks, I'll need your assistance to keep me on top... ooooh, I LIKE being on top... so please vote each time you stop by.  You can vote every day once every 24 hours for the next 19 days... hmmm, I'm sounding like a TV commercial!

With your purchase... we'll send you a FREE set of knives and we'll wrap it up in a blueberry pancake!  But that's not all!  With your blueberry pancake we'll include... A FREE bottle of Pepto Bismol!

Lol... okay, just kidding Darling... I'm a bit giddy!  But I'm not giddy when it comes to thanking YOU my Dear Friend, because quite honestly, if it wasn't for you and my Fabulous lipstick collection of course, I wouldn't be the blogger I am today.  

We'll chat again soon my Sweet... Ta Ta and Cups Up!  xoxo
Vote here ---> http://www.circleofmoms.com/top25/Top-25-SoCal-Moms-2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

There's NO Place Like Home...

Hellooooo my Darling Friend!  I am back from the land of the flying monkeys!  I have survived Kansas and its 106 degree weather, and I’m hear to tell you that I don’t want to do it again... EVER!  Well... maybe if the Hubby bribes me with more lipsticks...
Speaking of lipsticks, I must unpack all my favorites then head to the nearest lipstick counter as the Olympics are on TV and I need to find an American Red in support of this FABulous event.  Oooh, how do I do it?  A new lipstick for every occasion!
I hope you have been enjoying your summer thus far my Dear and finding all the lipsticks to celebrate the season... you know I am!  Ta Ta my Sweet! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Caffe Quips- On Oral Contraceptives

On my hands and knees is of course about the right time when Hubby enters the kitchen and says, “Dropped your pill again?”

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Caffe Quips- On Take Charge!

Loosen up, life is there for the taking, so grab it... but grab it with passion and of course a nice shade of berry lipstick... 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Caffe Quips- On Loooow Cut Dresses

And then there’s my bellybutton, yeah, okay... so I made some new friends with the valets.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Caffe Quips- On Being a MILF

I’m a MILF.  Uh huh, I am because I said so and words are powerful so if you believe it, than it is... so I do and I am. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ka... Kaaaan... KANSAS??

Hello my Dear Darling Friend... it’s an absolute pleasure when you stop by for a visit!  Come make yourself comfy and let me pour you a nice hot cup of, ‘What?!  I need more monkey repellant?’
Oh my goodness gracious Darling, I hope your summer is going FABulous... mine?  Wonderfully relaxing. 

the realization  
Hubby’s travel destination...         Kansas.
Ka, Kaaaan.... KANSAS AGAIN??  Do we have to?  I did this trip already last year, why do we have to do it again?  Huh?  80th birthday party?  Will there be lots of booze and medication?  Because you know, Kansas in the middle of summer equates to Caffe having a need to be sedated to handle the alarm on the weather cube that forecasts upcoming tornadoes... the need to not care that the flying insects the size of a small child can be batted away with a shoe and a shrill scream... but most importantly, the need to be sedated when I realize that my favorite lipstick has made a puddle in my purse because the temperature outside is in the TRIPLE digits!!!!
Oh Gawd... I need a drink... do you have a cigarette Darling?  I don’t smoke Caffe.  Huh?  Yeah, me either...
Well Darling *sniff sniff sniff* I guess I should start packing *sniffle sniff sniff*... wish me well and pray for my safe return.  If you don’t hear from me for more than 2 weeks, send out the foot soldiers and a dozen helicopters to come and find me!
In the mean while, I’ve actually figured out how to use the timer thingy to put post up automatically... oooh, I’m getting sooo tech savvy!  So while I’m away, I have a new topic that will make you giggle like a school girl..."Caffe Quips" will help make the time fly while you’re missing me.
Yes, I’m stalling... off to packing I go... hmmm, which lipsticks... which lipsticks?  OH, and the monkey repellant, don’t forget the monkey repellant!  Until next time my Darling Friend... Ta Ta!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cups Up! Quote of the Week...

“I think every woman should have a blowtorch.” Julia Child 

Hmmm... Now why does this sound like a good idea?  *insert evil lipsticked grin here*
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