Monday, October 8, 2012

Lipstick, Better Than Peanut Butter! A Revisit...

Hello, hello my dear friend! So delighted to have your company. My goodness, it’s been awhile hasn’t it? I’ve been so busy sitting in front of my vanity experimenting with colorful lipsticks and eyeshadows that I completely lost myself in the moment of my Diva-Ness! Let me fill your cup and you make yourself comfortable. Are you good? Good!

Living in the OC there are so many beautiful places and beautiful faces. With all this beauty around me, I like to keep current on all the latest and greatest little beauty finds that keep my reflection in the mirror oh, so divine!

With summer around the corner, I like to keep my beauty routine to a bare minimum and instead, exude my natural exotic beauty with a few key items. I never said I was modest when it comes to how I look in the mirror... but hey, I DO love sharing beauty products that I can’t live without, at least until the next colorful lipstick rolls my way!

One of my favorite places to purchase beauty in a jar is at Target. I didn’t plan on Target for my beauty needs, I love the counters at the fancy department stores and the seductive fragrances that come with, but for some reason the cosmetic aisles at Target always avert my eyes from being focused on my ‘to get list’ of the day. It must be the lighting and colors that make my eyes do a double take whenever I pass these aisles! No wonder the cosmetic companies pay bank for their marketing, it’s working and their hypnotic affect they have on a lipstick fiend like me with all those wonderful colors... Accckkkk.... I just can’t take it! I’ll take one in Savy, one in Sweet Crimson, one in Berry Wine...

My list says ‘peanut butter’ and there is definitely not a jar of creamy Jif sitting across from Revlon. I know that. My kids know that. But I like to pretend that it’s just a quick pit stop and that the peanut butter is near by the lipsticks and I can see the peanut butter from the reflection of the cellophane wrapper that the lipsticks are in so that means the Jif is near by. But it’s not.

At the check out counter I have about a dozen new lipsticks and OH MY GOSH, I forgot the peanut butter! But now that I’ve spent all that time entranced by beautiful colors, I don’t have time to run back to get the Jif and the lines have gotten long. Oh well, I’ll put it on my list for next time!

Oh my, I’ve gone down the path of endless lipsticks and no peanut butter! I was supposed to chat about favorite beauty items for summer and somehow my delirious behavior took over with no self control from my part and now the pot is empty! The pot is empty? Oh good! That’s my cue to go fix my lipstick...

Ta Ta! xoxo


  1. What's not to love about lipstick? Only problem is my teenager seems to have a fondness for my good stuff! Stop by when you have time - I'm cleaning up my reading list, glad I visited :)

  2. I always forget the item I went to Target for! But I think a bunch of lipsticks would reconcile me.

  3. I always end up making three different lists.. One in my phone, another on paper and I text the list to my husband so he can text it back to me. All this and I still end up walking out of the store without what I went in there for.. Ugh!! Lol

  4. This is an excellent post. I liked this post very much. All things are described in very excellent way. In my eyes you should keep on such kind of postings for us. In future I would like to come here again for some new and more information.

  5. Love the photos!
    They came out really great.
    Daisy and I hope you had a great


Hello Darling,

Have you seen the latest collection of lipstick colors?? Oooooh, I can't help myself! Thanks for stopping by... xoxo

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