Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Until Next Time my Dear Dear Friend...

Hello hello my Darling Friend, I am soooo happy that you’re here!  Come in, have a sat, let me fill your cup with the most delicious... steamiest ever... one of a kind... last call... What?!  Last call on what?

Well my Dear, it’s been fun.  That’s all you have to say?  Of course not Darling, when am I ever at a loss for words?  Not to mention lipsticks... I’m never at a loss for lipsticks!  Berry, hot pink, sparkly mauve... Caffe!  Get to the point!

Hmmph... I’m working on it, I’m working on it... no lipstick chat for me?  Nope.  Okay, alright, my nose is powdered and I’ve got my boldest shade of red on so here I go...  

Caffeinated OC Mommy was created just about a year and almost a half ago as a place that I could go to, and write anything I want... anything.  Who would have thought that my little ole blog would cause such a ruckus!  Mommy Lessons were always a favorite as together we got a good chuckle at the bad parenting that has run amuck in today’s society, then there’s me and butt crack... who knew I’d become such a magnet... Ewwwww!  Lipstick, MILF, lipstick, MILF... how did it all start?

It just did.  I wrote, you came and gave me my nickname, Caffe, which I adore with all my heart.  I call you Darling and Dear, you call me Dahling, Daaaling and Dalink.  I blow you kisses, and you forever return them with Muuwah!  The best is when you send me an email, and tell me all about the lipstick you bought and it reminded you of me.  Do you know how very special that is?

Your friendship means the world to me and I will never forget you.  How could I forget your witty charm and FABulous personality?  Yes my Dear, I am saying Ta Ta... but don’t forget... Caffeinated OC Mommy was just as much YOU as she was me.

Until Next Time my Dear Dear Friend... Cups Up! & Ta Ta!  xoxo 


Monday, September 17, 2012

Blogging Tips From the FABulous Caffe...

Well Hello hello my Dear Friend... I'm delighted that you've stopped by!  I've been out and about chatting with many about the lovely BlogSphere, and because I'm meee... I am constantly asked how to be a FABulous blogger and what are my tips.  So come make yourself comfy, let me fill your cup and let's get started on what makes for a FAB blogger...

Tip #1- It's all in the choice of your lipstick color Darling!  Wear the color that most resembles your mood for the day and you will find that your writing will match that kick-ass shade of red that you applied on your pretty little pucker.  Huh?  Not the kind of tips you were looking for?  Oh right my Darling, I guess that only works for me.   

Tip #2- Let's see... hmmm... now that I've mentioned lipstick, I'm having a difficult time focussing on what I'm supposed to be helping you with!  So to make it easier for me to not mention to you how many lipsticks I have in my purse at this very moment, I will link some of my favorite tips and advice and you choose which one that might be the most helpful for you.  Deal?

So take your time Lovely... let yourself out when you're finished... Caffe?  Where are you going?  To find my purse Darling... I remembered that I left my new shade of color in my bag and... well...ummm... I'm a LIPSTICK FIEND I can't help myself!

Writing Tips
Bogging? or Blogging? Helpful Tips from Caffe...

Lip Balm on Sandpaper... I Don't Think So!

Blog Hops and the Etiquette of Hopping Around

Manners Matter... Even for FAB Bloggers Like Myself

Caffe's Thoughts On Blog Hops... Quite Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn!

Social Media

Do Those Inbreeding Savages Wear Lipstick? (Triberr)

Klout? Is That A New Lipstick Color?

Google+ Lessons For Caffe...

Blog Awards
Shhhhhh... It's a Secret!

Friday, September 14, 2012


... now where did I put that new tube of lipstick??
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